New roads. New lessons.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

A Hard Race to Run

Let me just start by saying being a teen sucks. Really. The race set before these kids is near impossible. We can remind our girl of God's loving presence and steadfast love until the cows come home, but after breakfast has been eaten and she's ready to step out the door in her funky flannel shirt and Doc Martins, she steps into the horrific halls of high school. She steps into days riddled with anxiety and despair and desperate attempts to be known, to be seen, to be understood. From she's wearing my shoes, to missed assignments and failed exams, and he tweeted this or she posted that, and teachers and coaches who as adults give a ton and expect 110% from each kid in all areas of life, and everyone thinks I'm weird or strange or ugly or..., to how am I suppose to think about college when I can't even think past today or this week? Really, its no wonder most kids just want to escape this existence by cheating or cutting or drinking or drugging...anything to numb the pain and escape the reality of life.

And yes, some of these kids are from Christian homes. In fact many are. They have been to church all their life. They have attended VBS and summer church camps and mission trips, and they hear the Gospel preached at Youth group meetings. So why do they have so little hope? Why is Twitter, Instagram, and every other social media feed filled with kids gasping for air, trying to keep their head above the stormy waters of life? Where is the freedom in Christ they hear about from the mouths of adults, leaders, parents? Where is it? Where is that redeeming freedom from the chains that bind? God knows I have a tough time comprehending that freedom, much less living in it. So how can a teen begin to experience it?

Surely it is by God's grace alone that she, we, or any of us make it through the days. Its a hard race to run, this life God has called us to. Camping in Truth is the only way I know to navigate this life. Where else can we go? All else is empty. There is no one to turn to but the Lord Jesus. So Lord, have mercy on these young souls. Help each one of them know they are loved unconditionally by you. Help them to have eyes to see you in all things, in all people. Help them to hear the quiet whisper of your voice, your truth, about who they are in you. Help them to experience your presence throughout their days, especially when walking down school hallways. Help them to know you have plans for each day of their life, and that those plans are good, because you are good. Help them to persevere in standing on the foundation of you, because you are solid, immovable, unshakable. Help them to lean into the mess and participate in the life you've given them, trusting you every step of the way, because you are trustworthy and faithful. Fill them with light and joy and love and gratitude, so that many will awaken and know of your redeeming grace. Lord, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!" (Mark 9:24), so that I can come alongside this Doc Martin boots wearin' girl you've given me and help her run this hard race well.

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