New roads. New lessons.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Rwanda Email #2

August 13, 2011

Yesterday was amazing and truly beyond words. I will try to give you an idea of what I saw. After orientation, we went to ANLM Dream Center. It is on top of a large hill and is a huge piece  of property with many structures on it. We will get a tour today, but yesterday we went to see the new street children ministry in place. They have a feeding program on Monday and Thursday's . Through this they I.d. Regular attendees of 300-400 kids that attend. They selected 50 to participate in a 1year program to begin breaking habits of kids and parents that live In poverty. The children come everyday to begin learning how to learn. The boys we saw yesterday were super eager to be there and have such an appreciation of what is being given to them. They range in age from 5-15. Most love holding hands and having their picture taken. It was a sweet time to listen to them sing a song for us. After the year, the goal is to have them sponsored to attend school via ANLM sponsorship program. 

After lunch we did 4sponsor children visits. Mine was one of them. In was able to meet Clementine and her family. She is 11 and has what seems to be her mom, step dad, and 2 little brothers. They lived in a beautiful rural area that is filled with banana tree farms. To reach their home we traveled many dirt roads. Once stopping, we had to walk about half a mile downhill to find her home. The path kept getting more narrow along the way. All I could think of is her walking up that hill to go to school everyday. We were the first white people to visit their home, and what a visit! There are about 20 in our group. I was shocked though when I looked up after speaking with her to see so many neighbors out to check out the commotion. It was an event for all to remember. She was dressed in her very best, as was her whole family. It was so wonderful to see her sweet face, hold her hand, give her hugs and tell her that Jesus loves her very much and He has big plans fork her life. I will send pics later. Still processing everything from the moment and the day. Really, it is all very surreal. I am so humbled that God would allow me to have such an opportunity in life. He gave me the desire to come to Africa 5 years ago, and now He is fulfilling that vision that He filled my heart with...Wow! 

I smell breakfast cooking and the birds are in full song. Time to get ready for another day! Wonder what the Lord has in store for us today?

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